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So i achieve the (for me) amazing amount of 50 people folloing my blog, i want to thank you all for the support and the comments! and im glad you enjoy visiting my blog, i will try my hardest to make it good so you keep coming!

9 Responses so far.

  1. Justin says:

    Congrats! I'm glad we found each others blogs.


    Have a super week.

  3. Eric P says:

    Congratulations! Keep it up!

  4. Justin says:

    Hey man, this might seem like a dick move, but could you got to:
    and vote for that band to win? It should be I, The Creation. They're really good and they're my friends. I used to play the guitar in that band. I just hoped you would be one of the very few to actually help out. Thank you!
    Votes can be casted daily and twice per computer.

  5. Coco says:

    No se como haces, pero necesito tu formula jajaja..

  6. Congratulations, my friend me you get 1000 more!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Congrats on 50 followers.

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